Guidelines for Agricultural Classification of Lands
Qualifying agricultural property is classified according to its type (pasture, row crops, citrus, timberland, etc.), and is assessed according to its agricultural use value rather than by its market value. While market-value assessments are based on the most probable price at which properties would sell according to their highest and most profitable use, properties receiving an agricultural classification are assessed based on the income potential of the property as farmed. Agricultural classification only applies to the land portion of your property, agricultural barns and accessory structures are assessed according to their market value.
When enacted in 1959, Florida’s goal for the Greenbelt laws was to conserve, protect, and encourage agricultural production in the state, keeping farming a viable and thriving part of Florida’s economy. Essentially, it gives farmers incentive to continue farming by shifting a portion of the tax burden to other classes of property, thereby helping to keep farming a profitable endeavor, particularly when the market value of a property is considerably higher than the agricultural value.
§ 193.461, Florida Statutes sets for the criteria for determining which properties qualify for the Agricultural Classification