COVID-19 Update

Kathy Crawford COVID-19, Uncategorized Leave a Comment

The Hardee County Property Appraiser’s Office is continuing to monitor the situation surrounding the coronavirus and we are taking steps to ensure the safety of our staff and citizens. In following the recommendations of the CDC concerning social distancing and limitations of groups, we have made the decision to close our office to the public until further notice.

Though our office is closed to the public, we will continue to meet our statutory obligations.  It is always our objective to provide superior custom service and we have no intention of allowing our current situation to result in anything less.

If you need to conduct business with our office please give us a call at (863)773-2196 or send an email to [email protected] – you can also visit our website at

HCPA’s Current Plan:

  • We are currently closed to the public until further.
  • Because there are fewer than 10 employees in our office, we will continue to work in the office abiding by the recommendations of the CDC concerning proper distancing and proper sanitation efforts.
  • Site visits to businesses and residences have been temporarily suspended.

HCPA’s Contingency Plan

  • Plans are in place for all employees to work remotely should the need arise;
    • Field Appraiser’s will continue to work in the field, but will not visit homes or places of business that are still open to the public.
    • Customer service staff will receive calls and will actively respond to e-mails and electronically submitted documentation.

For your safety and the safety of our staff and community, we will continue to monitor the latest updates.

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